
Before you get weirded out, no. I’m not showcasing any pornography on my site. I refuse to do that.

Sexual frustration exists, so we look at porn and masturbate to relieve ourselves. There are also people who just like looking at a porn without masturbating.

Look, I’ve already covered masturbation, so if you’re interested, look at my post regarding that here.

This post is about pornography (and my thoughts toward it). It has a wide spectrum of use, concerns and everyone has a different view toward it.


The Internet is for porn.

Oh, yeah. Throwing puppets into the mix is sure to make this less complicated.

Look, a lot of the things I have to say about porn mimic my thoughts toward masturbation. Sex is not something that teenagers and adults have readily available, so we tend to touch ourselves.

It doesn’t matter if you’re popular, shy, extroverted, introverted, whatever. We’ve all done it and will likely continue to do it.

Men and women need a solid orgasm every once and a while to help keep everything in perspective.

My thoughts about pornography (as a teenager)

I looked at it regularly in High-School. Not obsessively or every day, but it did hinder me socially. My perceptions were warped and it took a great deal of time to undo the damage.

I fully admit to it and have no shame in what I exposed myself to. It was my decision and I’m the only one to blame for viewing it.

I’d much rather have a history as being a masturbating teenager than someone who got another teenager pregnant. Better to screw myself than someone else (especially given how awkward and bizarre I was at that age).

Trust me, it was far better for me to be a porn user than the alternative of a young woman being sexual toward me in any way back then. I was stupid and would not have handled relationships/sex/etc. well.

If you’re curious about my views toward the act of sex, I’ve also written a whole article about that here.

My thoughts about pornography (as an adult)

I hate the porn industry. I think that it objectifies woman (and men/everyone involved) without any regard for how damaging it can be.

The whole concept of human porn is disturbing and I refuse to look at it. No videos or pictures with real people whatsoever.

That said, I still occasionally look at lewd material online. What? I’m human. It it requires a lot of effort to not get turned on ever.

My go-to, (even as a teenager), was to look at simulated content. Stuff like digital art, comics, computer generated Source Filmmaker crap, etc.

It was always ‘less destructive’ in my mind because none of it was real. There was also far more effort placed into creating it, so it held more ‘value’ than disturbing, exaggerated videos of actual people faking pleasure.

Look, I can try to rationalize my views toward it in a thousand separate ways, but that is pointless.

As long as humans have ever existed, we have portrayed sex in every imaginable medium. From cave paintings to futuristic VR smut, it isn’t ever going away. We’re stuck with it, whether we like it or not.

If I get horny, I know that I should just ride it out and move on instead of acting on my primal urges.

That said, I can be pretty weak-willed if my headspace is stuck on ‘horny’ mode for too long. That usually only happens when I’m exposed to a bunch of other horny people (usually sharing stuff online, so I know how to avoid that).

My goal is to expose myself to as little of that type of content as possible (as the results of over-stimulation are clear and not healthy for you).

So, what’s the point?

As much as I don’t care for the concept of pornography, I’m of the general mindset that if it exists, there is porn of it. It’s considered a ‘rule of the Internet‘ for a reason.

If someone wants to get off to something conventially bizarre or disturbing, but it didn’t come at the cost of an actual person/animal/etc (furries, I’m looking at you), then they should be free to do that, but with clear, rational restrictions set in place.

As humans, we draw the line at abuse or non-consensual actions. The limits are set by the collective mindset of society and I fully agree with the ‘judgement by your peers’ approach, especially if one’s ‘fetish’ starts to descend into the levels of unethical, horrific or mentally disturbed. Blatant criminal abuse, pedophilia, bestiality, etc.

Obviously, I advocate for regulation and moderation. There are clear laws/rules as to what should and should not be shared on the Internet. That is when it crosses the line into mentally-ill or illegal, and I’m all for expanding protections for destroying the production/sharing of that type of material.

There is no limit to the levels of sexual depravity one’s mind can go toward, and we need to continue working to curb sick/demented behavior.

I don’t care if you look at porn or you don’t. It’s your life and I’m not going to change your mind for you. Only you can.

All I care about is if that content is illegal or mentally disturbed. At that point, you’d have much larger problems than wondering about my opinion.

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