Song of the Day: Sixteen (Oceans1985 Remix)

Today’s song is Sixteen (Remix) by Oceans1985.

So this is a remix by Oceans1985, giving it a solid 80’s pop vibe.
The original by Don is FAR slower and the tone is a far-cry from this style (still pretty great, especially the acoustic accompaniment).

So why do you feel so small when you feel so alone?

The lyrics are melancholic (and a bit brutal) as you delve into them.

The thumping synth hits hard, growing into an excellent groove as it opens itself up.
Remixes that drastically alter the original like this are a work of exquisite art.
This one has stuck around my playlist for almost half the year now, and I think many will dig it.


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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