Song of the Day: This Year’s Love

Today’s song is This Year’s Love by David Grey.

This is more of a ballad, but it keeps the same theme (even with the more-upbeat album).
I had to listen to this song at work (a restaurant) dozens of times.
The fact that I never grew sick of it speaks to the quality. That or my lack of trying something different.

‘Cause who’s to worry if our hearts get torn? When that hurt gets thrown?
Don’t ya know this life goes on?

The piano takes central focus, but those strings add such a wonderful balance. Focus on them.

Yeah, the song is repetitive. It has a really simple melodic hook.
That said, it works well, especially paired with the emotion within the vocals.
It’s one of those songs that can hit a bit harder depending on what you’re currently dealing with.
For that, and a few other personal reasons, I like this song.
Check out the album if you get the chance. There are a few great tracks on it.


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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